JD Edwards Mass
Data Management
made easy
Data Management
made easy
Simplify the way you upload data into JD Edwards.
What is dropZone?
Steltix dropZone is a mass data management tool for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Drag and drop your Excel sheet into your web browser. And this without having to install any software. It just takes seconds.
Easy download and edit existing data
Quickly add new data records
No modification to EnterpriseOne necessary
Use our standard templates or create your own by using Orchestrations
dropZone Demo
“Steltix dropZone leverages standard Oracle JDEdwards technology. Additionally it allow users to enter data into JDEdwards by just dropping Excel sheets into their web client.”
Knowledge Hub
Cool Tech has JD Edwards Users Excited and Delivering Serious Efficiencies to Businesses
Watch our webinar with the Oracle JD Edwards Product Development Team that focused on the latest innovations for JD Edwards, and how they can benefit businesses.
Steltix Transparent Logon & dropZone Demo
With Transparent Logon you can get single sign-on going within minutes. And we just launched a brand new release with “two factor authentication” on JD Edwards. More Information about Transparent Logon.
dropZone Documentation
All documentation for Steltix dropZone for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne including [...]
Steltix dropZone Data Sheet
Boost your productivity by adding and updating thousands of JD Edwards records in minutes.
Ask an Expert
Sonja Röttcher
Steltix, Product Owner
Steltix, Product Owner