
Get JD Edwards ready for the mandatory digital signature in Portugal.

As of 31 December 2024, the qualified digital signature of invoices in PDF will be compulsory in Portugal. Article 182-A of the Portuguese Parliament extends the validity of PDF invoices until 31 December 2024.

From 1 January 2025, the authenticity and integrity requirement will become mandatory, following Article 12 of Decree-Law 28/2019, and taxpayers will have to use a qualified digital signature, a qualified electronic seal or an electronic data interchange (EDI) system.

This means that from 1 January 2025, PDF invoices will have to adopt one of the above procedures to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the documents.

As this is a requirement for the adoption of electronic invoicing as the default, we invite you to learn more about our eInvoicing Steltix solution.

“Be ready for the new eInvoicing regulations around the globe, get in touch with us today”

– Nelson Cunha
Steltix, eInvoicing Solution Product Owner

Nelson Cunha